Under the oak tree bato
Under the oak tree bato

So far in WE - ch 106, it is not even a year since the couple lived together after Riftan comeback from war, I know some of you give a bad review abt this story, but guys let's be honest, in our life, progress doesn't happen just a year, there are probably more years for someone who was being abused since childhood to finally get over the trauma Anyway, I recommend it very much for everyone to read it and I hope you have a great time reading it. His attitude is something that he learns from childhood and something that you had to expected especially from the environment he living in. Also please take note that ML spend most of his time on the battlefield or improving his castle so you cannot really expect him to become a white knight or something like that. Even tho it was quite slow, you can see how much had she improve from the start and it was very heart-warming. The MC started from the bottom and slowly work up from it and it just very refreshing to see it. more> it was always some confident and over-powerful genius MC but this one is different. It was not something that you see in the typical novel or manga. First of all, for someone who is abuse by his father, her behaviour is totally logical and you can see how much those childhood traumas affect her. Yes, the ML is a little harsh and rude to MC at the start and I admit it but after about chapter 30, his attitude started to get better so don't get swayed by it at the start of the novel.

Under the oak tree bato