And while you can always create a custom map – it will only be configured to work with the exact devices and parameters you map – if you load up a new device, or parameter, the map must be mapped anew, and saved as a new Preset within Live. I shared the reviewer’s idea/concern about the ability to remap the rows of knobs from their default functionality as Send Controls. The hardware feels extremely solid, and when combined with the Launchpad, the Launch Control XL gives you an impressive amount of hands-on control for an affordable price.“ In any case, I came away satisfied with what Novation put together here. Still, it might be possible to hack something together using a Max For Live device like Multimapper to transform the XL’s device control knobs into one-knob filters. Doing this requires using the Launch Control’s custom template functionality, which in turn sacrifices the power yielded by Novation’s controller scripts that allow you to navigate through a set with more than eight channels. But how does it fare for live performance? Looking at the Launch Control XL’s physical controls in that context, I would much rather be able to reassign those top three rows of knobs to EQ or filter instead of their default sends-and-pan mapping. “ Overall, this is a rock-solid addition to any Ableton-based studio setup. Here’s the last few sentences of their October, 2014 article: Resident Advisor’s review of the LCXL is a good example. When the LCXL was released in Summer 2014, it received favorable reviews, and reading over them now in 2017 I noticed each seemed to have praise for features, and some amount of wondering of “I wish it could do this, or maybe it can do that.” Of course, this is common with MIDI control surfaces, as the ecosystem between personal workflows, software, and changing standards keep everyone on the lookout for the elusive ideal controller, myself included. This article does follow a narrative, while the Table of Contents just below allows to Navigating individual Sections.

If you’re considering integrating the LCXL into your workflow. This article follows that development, and provides a detailed overview of the additional features Novation have developed for the LCXL, along with additional features and functionalities available from other developers. Since its inception in 2014 the Novation Launch Control XL has evolved into quite a powerful and diverse control surface.